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       Insert Time : 2009/02/04
Pouran Drakhshandeh who attends Fajr Film Festival as the director of a telefilm named “ Professionals” believes that the film has a sensitive and analytic look at issues.

Pouran Drakhshandeh who attends Fajr Film Festival as the director of a telefilm named “ Professionals” believes that the film has a sensitive and analytic look at issues. The producer of the telefilm, Mahmoud Mirzaee also says: “ TV movies which are made by professional Cast & Crews consuming proper time and budget will be selected to participate in Fajr Film Festival and to screen in cinemas.”

Derakhshandeh Added: “ “Professionals” is the story of people who reacts differently in different situations according to their morale. So, like the past, I practiced some emotional issues about which I am very sensitive.”

She Stressed: “ I made the movie as my sensitivity and concern about emotional issues.”
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3rdUrban Fest Bultan - 2009
Fajr27 Bultan - 2009
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