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Eternal Children
Eternal Children(2007)
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Wet Dream
Wet Dream(2005)
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Candle In The Wind
Candle In The Wind(2003)
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A Love Without Frontier
A Love Without Frontier(1998)
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Iranian Women Cineastes Week Will Be Held In Bulgaria

Iranian Women Cineastes Week will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on January 7.
The films ’Lineless Paper’, ’Eternal Children’, ’Candle in Wind’, ’Lost Time’ and ’Mother’ are participating in the event which will be sponsored by Iranian Embassy’s Cultural Office in Bulgaria.
The presence of "Pouran Derakhshandeh", "Minou Farshchi"and "Elham Hamidi", as Iranian women cineastes, was announced before.

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3rdUrban Fest Bultan - 2009
Fajr27 Bultan - 2009
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