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Latest Films
Eternal Children
Eternal Children(2007)
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Wet Dream
Wet Dream(2005)
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Candle In The Wind
Candle In The Wind(2003)
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A Love Without Frontier
A Love Without Frontier(1998)
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"The Eternal Children" won six "Golden Butterfly" at the 21st Children and Young Adults Film Festival

Sections :

International Competition

  1. "The Golden Butterfly" award for the best artistic and technical film
  2. "The Golden Butterfly" award for the best director of the feature film
  3. "The Golden Butterfly" award for the best young adult artist , Ali Ahmadifar

The Iranian Cinema

  1. "The Golden Butterfly" award for the best feature film (Producer & Director : Pouran Derakhshandeh )

The Children and Young Adults Jury

  1. "The Golden Butterfly " award for the best feature film

Audience Award

  1. "The Golden Butterfly" award for the most welcomed Iranian film
Out of Competition
  1. "Diploma of Honor" for the best film awarded by Hamedan  Municipality Jury
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3rdUrban Fest Bultan - 2009
Fajr27 Bultan - 2009
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