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Eternal Children
Eternal Children(2007)
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Wet Dream
Wet Dream(2005)
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Candle In The Wind
Candle In The Wind(2003)
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A Love Without Frontier
A Love Without Frontier(1998)
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Lack of a financial support caused the project (700) to be filed away.Pouran Derakhshandeh said;

" The project (700) (The Life of Seyyed Ali Hamedani) needs a financial support and such financial difficulties would cause projects to be finished while not began yet or to be filed away instead of being produced."
About the last position of her project, The Life of Seyyed Ali Hamedani, Derakhshandeh said;" The project is in its investigation phase to do which I should travel to India, Pakistan and Tajikestan.

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3rdUrban Fest Bultan - 2009
Fajr27 Bultan - 2009
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