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Eternal Children
Eternal Children(2007)
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Candle In The Wind
Candle In The Wind(2003)
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A Love Without Frontier
A Love Without Frontier(1998)
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The tribute of " Pouran Deakhshandeh " was celebrated on Thursday 3.05.06 at the 21st Children and Young Adults Film Festival , Ibn-e-Sina Hall

While appreciating the great family of  Iran's cinema and authorities , Derakhshandeh declared ," At the time of screening " The Eternal Children " , I found out that Ali Ahmadifar was crying .I felt so scared since I thought by myself that cinema can be either destructive or instructive .I saw many parents together with their children in Hamedan who attend the festival to see the films .
I hope we will reach to a turning point of the children's cinema by means of celebrating such events .

Abol Hassan  Davoudi said ," I am so happy to be here attending the tribute ceremony of the great children and young adult's director . Since the past 30 years , I've known Mrs.Derakhshandeh . After the Islamic Revolution , she has presented children's cinematic works ."

Sirus Alvand ," The artists have a special place in people's heart and try their  best . I hope the great filmmakers like Mrs. Pouran Derakhshandeh and Rakhshan Bani Etemad will be supported more in near future .Mrs.Derakhshandeh proved that
"Cinema" has nothing to do with being a man or a woman . No matter what your sex is ; your capability of being an artist is important ."

Iraj Nozari emphasized ," There is no need to describe her dignity . Definitely Mrs.Derakhshandeh will continue her work in order to promote the children's cinema."

Minoo Farshchi said ," Pouran Derakhshandeh is the first filmmaker who has directed films for children after the Islamic revolution . She is very particular in her work. All of her films express the glory of love in family so delicate as possible ."

Hojjatol Islam Aqa Hosseini , the Culture and Islamic Guidance president of Hamedan, added ," We , the Hamedani, are so happy since our beloved artists are happy . When they smile ; then we can smile ."

Great artists as Kamran Maleki , Shapour Qarib , Roya Teymourian , Masoud Raygan , Merila Zareie , Reza Babak , Ali Shah Hatami , Mahvash Sheikhol Islami , Mohammad Reza Moieni and Hossein Mokhtari were all present in the celebration ceremony .

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